Say Goodbye to Unwanted Hair

Schedule your laser hair removal appointment in Tyler, TX

Are you tired of wasting time shaving? Are skin tags making you feel self-conscious? Reach out to Identity Medical Spa in Tyler, TX. We provide laser hair removal and skin tag removal services. We assess each case before we get started to ensure you receive the services you need.

Make an appointment now by calling 903-581-1500.

Pixel RF

Pixel RF technology works to contour, tighten and rejuvenate the skin for a more youthful, healthier appearance. Unlike lasers that burn the surface of the skin to promote new skin cell growth, PixelRF - injects microscopic radio frequency energy (heat energy) into the deepest layers. This causes the skin to think it's being damaged, which stimulates collagen and elastin - the building blocks of youthful skin. The thermal injury prompts the formation of new collagen which tightens the skin and creates a smoother, refreshed appearance.

Hollywood Laser Carbon Peel

A Hollywood LaserCarbon Peel is a zero-downtime laser procedure that helps reduce the appearance of aging and damaged skin by smoothing the skin tone, reducing skin pigmentation, fine lines and acne scars.

Skin Tag Removal

Using the ThermoClear Technology, this treatment quick and easily treats common skin imperfections. This simple procedure uses low and high frequency radio waves to zap those annoying surface problems with no downtime and very little discomfort. It can treat ALL skin types on epidermal skin imperfections. These skin imperfections include small Spider Capillaries, Cherry Angiomas, Milia, Acne, Sebaceous Hyperplasia, Fibromas, Cholesterol Deposits, and Sun Spots / Age Spots.

Tattoo Removal

We take Tattoo Removal seriously. That is why we picked Pico Technology for our lasers. It is fast, safe and non-invasive. address concerns of undesired skin pigmentation, remove tattoos of all colors, and reduce fine lines and wrinkles resulting in revitalized skin.

Erbium Yag | Skin Resurfacing

Erbium is a skin resurfacing procedure for the face, neck, chest, and hands to eliminate surface pigmentation and minimize mild to moderate fine lines and wrinkles. The Erbium treatment requires minimal downtime but helps patients achieve dramatic results.


Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photofacial is a laser light treatment that targets pigment issues, such as brown spots, sun damage, red spots, and Rosacea.

Fractional Laser Service

Fractional Laser treatment delivers precise microbeams of laser light into the lower layers of skin, creating deep, narrow columns of tissue coagulation. Coagulated tissue in the treatment area stimulates a natural healing process that results in fast growth of healthy new tissue.

Skin Tightening

Skin tightening is one way to help rejuvenate skin and reverse the aging effects of time and sun damage. Forma skin tightening treatment uses radiofrequency (RF) technology to stimulate the production of new collagen and improve elasticity in the treatment area, leaving your skin looking plump, fresh, and beautiful.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a cosmetic procedure that uses a powerful laser or intense pulsed light (IPL) to remove unwanted hair. Common areas to treat are the face, chest, legs, arms, underarms and bikini line.


Morpheus8 uses radiofrequency technology to stimulate collagen production in the deeper layers of the dermis, resulting in smoother, tighter-looking skin without any downtime.

Cellulite Treatment

BodyFX, Body Tone and Body sculpt is a non-invasive radio frequency energy treatment that reduces fat, cellulite and tones the body.

Leg Vein Treatment

Long Pulsed YAG Laser is a highly focused beam of light used to target the vein, heating it and damaging it, producing scar tissue. This resulting scar tissue will cause the vein to close and disappear.

Fibroblast Plasma Pen

PlasmaMD is a handheld, pen-like device that uses plasma, an ionized gas, to combat wrinkles and tighten sagging skin by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, the proteins that keep skin firm and supple.

Enjoy brighter, smoother skin

You'll love the calming environment at Identity Medical Spa in Tyler, TX. Along with laser hair removal, we also offer...

Photo facials (IPL)

Photo facials (IPL)

- this treatment is great for those struggling with skin discoloration or sun damage

Skin tag removals

Skin tag removals

- remove pesky skin tags safely without damaging your underlying skin cells

Tattoo removals

Tattoo removals

- we'll help you get rid of those unattractive or embarrassing tattoos in no time

Each of our laser treatments requires a certain number of visits to see the maximum results. For IPL treatments, we suggest maintenance once a year following your initial treatment.

For more information, speak with a staff member at our location or over the phone.