Skin Tightening

Skin tightening is one way to help rejuvenate skin and reverse the aging effects of time and sun damage. Forma skin tightening treatment uses radiofrequency (RF) technology to stimulate the production of new collagen and improve elasticity in the treatment area, leaving your skin looking plump, fresh, and beautiful.


Morpheus8 uses radiofrequency technology to stimulate collagen production in the deeper layers of the dermis, resulting in smoother, tighter-looking skin without any downtime.

Cellulite Treatment

BodyFX, Body Tone and Body sculpt is a non-invasive radio frequency energy treatment that reduces fat, cellulite and tones the body.


BodySculp permanently destroys fat cells with 1060nm diode-laser energy. Specifically created for patients who want to avoid liposuction surgery, BodySculp's treatment reduces stubborn fat without harming the skin or surrounding tissue.


BodyTone is a unique muscle strengthening and toning device that uses bio-lectric energy pulses to exercise different muscle groups to prevent muscle atrophy.